Friday, October 19, 2012

Podcast Updates October 19th 2012

Two all new episodes of Equestria This Week (Episodes 30 and 31) and now up, as well as a new weekly series Spill It Review (Episodes 1-3 up right now). Spill it reviews TV, movie trailers and other stuff I found off the Playstation Network Store for free (once I get an ipod touch I'll start reviewing from the istore. Presently working on Equestria This Week Episode 32, Multimedia As You Go Episode 3 (new device review) and Spill It Episodes 5 (Halloween) and 6 (October recap and updates). Stay tuned for updates as I finish these up and put them out.

Friday, October 5, 2012

New Cast - Spill It Review coming soon

Probably the shortest cast I've done to date, short ten minute spots, Spill It (original title PSPilot Review... but then I heard how the audio for the title came out and it sounds like it says Spill It instead of PSPilot) takes the free things Sony is still putting out on the PSP Playstation Network Store and reviewing it. A bit of sports or competition viewing A bit of TV A movie trailer And extra content if there's time left The first three episodes are already done with more coming shortly. First episode premieres shortly, and a new episode comes every Wednesday. Stay tuned for updates.