Sunday, November 25, 2012

First Visual Podcast, Randomly Plastic, almost ready to go!

Yes, working to put out my first visual podcast, title name being Randomly Plastic, for youtube and hopefully download link here on the homepage... because, let's face it, trying to put Audacity back on this PC is a pain in the butt... what is with this endless "side by side" error I keep getting? Come on. Load properly already!

So let's see... what am I doing?

1-It's going to be a toy cast... because video games don't record well on the tech I presently have... might also do a comic cast too... maybe... we'll see.

2-Presently I am going to be using a 3DS for this... why? Because I have NOTHING else. Litterly nothing else.... actually not too true, there is a digital camera here... somewhere... but it's several year old tech and I doubt it'll fare better than the 3DS... still, once I find it and make sure it's still running I'll use it.

That means by the way that videos will be 10 minute maximum spots given the 3DS limitations... still looking for that digital camera... sigh.

3-Got the materials I need assembled for the first review episode, but I am still going to film an Episode Zero introduction to the series first anyway... here's my first batch of reviews for the coming weeks.

Week 1 - Adam Warren Dirty Pair action figure pair (Yuri and Kei)
Week 2 - Star Wars Power of the Force Ramdonly review
Week 3 - Those Cheap Horrible Toys 1
Week 4 - Star Wars Episode 1 review Part 1

4-As you can see I have several episodes ready to go, but I'll start buying new stuff as I record... starting this December. Speaking of reviews wish I could find all the toys of my childhood... I could be reviewing FOREVER just on that. Really. I blame my family for destroying all my childhood in their far right conservo 50's backwards mentality. Thanks family. Thanks.

5-If I run out of time during recording I will go right into the next episode and keep going... which mean possibly 2-3 episodes may go up in one week depending on how much time I need for one review. It won't be spread out, I won't stop until the review of the week is done.

Otherwise that's that so I just need to film Episode Zero and 1 and then... shudder... post it on youtube... sigh. Stay tuned for updates.

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