Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer 2013 Day 17 : The Waiting Game... sigh.

Yup. Days have passed and I am still waiting on the laptop. What a revolting development, especially since tomorrow is rare useless Hawaiian holiday King Kamehameha day (insert Goku from Dragon ball Z performing Kamehameha here). If there was ever a good reason why Hele On deserves no more money, let alone doubling prices to ride the bus, it's this.

If at least Hele On was improving the bus schedule, adding more bus arrivals a day or Sunday/Holiday bus shuttle schedules (shuttles don't run on Sunday and holidays) then I can justify a decent 50% rate hike... but double the rates for the same so-so service? Come on, be serious.

So won't be checking up on the laptop again for a few days... disappointingly... oh well, stay tuned for updates though I am working on the first batch of New 52 reviews, starting off with Action Comics #19 (must buy digital version), Supergirl #19, Superman #18-#19 and Teen Titans #19. Coming soon.

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